What Should You Write About?

The College Essay. The Personal Statement. 650 words that you will share with colleges so they get a small glimpse of who you are. It’s an essential piece of your admissions package. Why? We want the essay to tell us things that the academic transcripts, test scores – if you submitted them, and letters of recommendation do not say. If you have already shared that you are the best football player since Patrick Mahomes, and let’s hope you are stating it with more modesty, tell us something else. How did you feel getting in the endzone? What thoughts were going through your mind during your final game for a big loss or a big win? Check, are you answering the question the prompt is asking? If not, revision is necessary.

What Can You Write About?

Food often makes for interesting essays. Does your family cook together, eat together? Are there certain things that your family eats you might not see on an Applebee’s menu? Be descriptive! Tell us what makes that food so great. Do you like to try new food? Exotic things? You are about to embark on a new adventure. Whether you are going to your local flagship college or moving across the country to attend a school you have dreamed about since you were a small child, big changes are happening all around you. What does that feel like? Do you feel prepared? Excited? Overwhelmed? All of the above? There isn’t a wrong topic, necessarily. What’s important is the reader gets an idea of who you are and why you took the time to share this particular story. I’ve read excellent essays on topics ranging from Red Dead Redemption, dealing with anxiety, cooking rice to playing dominoes. Whatever you choose, take us on a journey. Be descriptive.

Research is Critical

Lastly, be certain to research the colleges to which you are applying. They want to know you have taken the time to thoroughly review their computer science department, English, pre-med, or whatever area that interests you. Spoiler alert- it’s perfectly OK to have a lot of interests right now – and talk about that, and not have it all figured out. What the personal statement is looking for is did you answer the question the prompt is asking of you? Can you write? Is this person potentially a good fit for our school? Reviewing the school’s campus culture, mission, and vision statement, and going on virtual and in-person tours if possible will aid in providing you with these answers. Are you ready to write? Let’s get started!


Gerene Keesler

Gerene Keesler

Enthusiastic, Student Affairs and College Counseling professional providing over 20+ years of superior customer service and academic advising, admissions, and career coaching.

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