Independent Admissions Consultants at Admissions Untangled Help Relieve College Admissions Stress

By Rose King for Tampa Bay Moms

The college planning and admissions process can be overwhelming. Between the applications, transcripts, essays, financial aid paperwork and housing choices… How do you know where to even start? And that’s if your student already knows what college or university he or she wants to attend! Applying for college is an exciting time, but it can also be overwhelming for both students and their parents.

The college admissions experts at Admissions Untangled are highly trained Independent Educational Consultants with the knowledge and resources to coach students and their parents through the college admissions process. Their Independent Educational Consultants can help build a preferred school list and assist in narrowing down the best match academically, financially and socially. Educational Consultants will lead your student through building a stand-out portfolio, essay, and application worthy of acceptance into the school of choice. At Admissions Untangled, their goal isn’t just to align your student with the best match, but to also counsel your student on the best steps to make him or her standout as an excellent candidate.

Admissions Untangled Owner Ms. Gerene Keesler utilizes three decades of experience in the university profession including work in Admissions, Residential Life, and Career Services. Gerene recently obtained her certificate in College Counseling from UC San Diego (March, 2021) and holds a Masters Degree in Counseling. As a member of the Independent Educational Consultants Association, Gerene thoroughly researches and vets colleges, and regularly devotes time to visiting campuses to ensure she always has the most up-to-date information. She’ll ask the critical questions that are often overlooked by parents and students such as the school’s graduation rates, the average incoming GPA of other students, and the employment rate for graduates.


Gerene Keesler

Gerene Keesler

My name is Gerene Keesler. I’m proud to introduce myself as a Tampa native with over 25 years of invaluable experience in higher education and admissions offices. As an independent college counselor, my journey has led me to establish Admissions Untangled, a venture that is more than a profession—it is a personal mission.

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